Monday, February 28, 2011

Koreanoy and Chinoy.

So basically our country is being populated by Koreans and Chinese nowadays. You'll never fail to see them in every corner here in our country. As my opinion, It really doesn't matter if they stay here, well I know Philippines has a great attractions, that's why a lot of foreigners visit us to have their vacation here. The only thing that I hate with the Koreans and Chinese is that they bring their own culture here which is they should be cautious with it. They're not in their homeland that's why they should learn how to adjust. They should learn to follow rules, as i have observed. Most of them especially students, they do not give importance with their studies, they party all night, then since they are a foreign students they think they will be excuse all the time. Most of them are happy go lucky persons. That's the only thing I hate, they took everything for granted. When it comes to attitude I can say that they are kind and generous.

Korean food is one of my favorite types of food to eat. When prepared by a skilled chef, Korean food can be highly sophisticated and absolutely delicious. At its’ best, Korean food can be the epitome of civilized dining. Unfortunately, at its’ worst, Korean food can be truly awful.The secret to good Korean food is rooted in ancient Confucian philosophy: It is a question of balance. Texture, flavor, and health, all in perfect balance. This is what skilled Korean chefs excel at preparing: Salty vs. Sweet; Spicy vs. Mild; Sour vs. Bitter; Green vegetables vs. Red vegetables; and so on. My favorite Korean dish is Kimchi lalove <3


Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Anywhere you go In the Philippines, well more specifically Manila you can see a lot of Asians, mostly Chinese and Koreans. Well there are a lot more but majority are these. In a way these people influenced the Filipinos in a good way and of course some in a negative way, but still it helped, right? Actually, its like the Philippines was invaded or colonized by these cultures because you see them everywhere! The only thing that separates us Filipinos is the physical appearance but besides that we are already alike since Filipinos love adopting other cultures.

Coming from an international school, I must say my school was majority Korean instead of other nationalities. As I observed not only we Filipinos adopt from them but also vice versa. Here are some advantages as to what Koreans and Chinese people have brought to us. The Koreans have brought and inspired Filipinos to listen to there kind of music even if we don’t understand anything. Another thing would be the fashion, cosmetic products, Korean food, and advancement in technology and tele novellas, which was translated in Tagalog language. For the Chinese people they influenced almost the same thing though they had a bigger impact since in the olden days they colonized us. So some rituals and other cultural facts weren’t new to us except for the modern routine now days. As for the disadvantages, here are a few. To start, the mannerisms. Like for the Koreans, it is usual for them to get into fights and they are hot tempered, but us Filipinos as much as possible we try to settle things in a way that we only talk. Another thing would be the way they are family oriented. I have noticed that it isn’t much of a big deal for them whether they are away from their family during the holidays, not like Filipinos. With the Chinese, we think it would be the way we handle students in school. I'am Chinese schools here in the Philippines they are allowed to hit the child if they commit an error, for us Filipinos we are not allowed to do that. Another thing would be the fake items of china that they sell here, in the divisorya malls which is illegal. With koreans and Chinese people, an advantage would be they helped us in businesses and export, import trade. Well there are a lot more things but these are just few common ones. 

Extra Credit #2 Labor of Love

What a Valentines date for me and my friends that day.
After our class we went in the said even Labor of Love, Catt, Clang
and I lives from South. So basically the 3 of us doesn't know how to get there, 
we were able to depend with the GPS but then its not that accurate that it can
read all the roads or places were going. We just tried to contact our friend who lives 
near or shall i say just a walk away from Tomato Bomb bar. So anyway we 
arrived there around 10 pm, we were a bit late i guess because the venue itself 
is not that big, for me i can say its just a typical town house look  alike bar haha.
We weren't able to get inside the bar because it's totally jam pack. But I can say
my friends and I had a great experience going there :) 

By: Kristine M. Pastrana

Friday, February 18, 2011



Labor of love: 26 Poets
@ Tomato Bomb
Xavierville Avenue, Quezon City
February 14, 2011 8pm

by: Clarissa Dela Cruz

Labor of love: 26 Poets

From South to North

After my last class at 7:30 pm in AKIC, me and my friends went to this event for an extra credit. We're all from south so we basically don't know much about north. Good thing we have a friend who lives at Xavierville, we were talking to him on the phone while we were exploring north :)) It was kinda fun cause we were a bit lost but after an hour of travel we finally reached Tomato Bomb, where the event was held. The place was so small and it was so crowded. A lot of people came. Not enough space for us. But the event was great and the place is nice even though it's small. Great performers, poets and poems being discovered. Lots of poems about love which inspires us. Poetry is not my thing but it pleases me when someone reads it with feelings and i can relate to it.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Why do boys cheat?
They may not be happy with the relationship and they are looking for something better. They only cheat because they think its cool but its not and most girls are as guilty as boys are for cheating.

Why do girls play hard to get?

We want to see how much you like us and if you don’t play that game it just seems like you don’t care or want us. The more you fight for a girl and don’t give up the better chances you have of getting her. If she’s special to you- don’t give up.

Why do boys take so long to text back?

-Maybe because sometimes they are playing computer games.

-He is busy doing other things with other CHICKS J

Why girls do loves to eat chocolate?

-The chocolate encourages the release of endorphins that make us feel happy.

-Because it's one of the things that makes us happy when we're sad (usually after a hard time with the boyfriend!)

-Mood booster=releases endorphins which is basically the happy hormone.

Why boys do loves to have sex?

-Boys, especially when they hit puberty and start getting older start to get very interested in their sexuality. They get curious about the genitals of the opposite sex, and possibly of the same sex. Boys are just naturally hornier than girls.

Why girls do loves shopping?
-Because it's fun, there’s some kind of thrill to it and it makes us feel good about ourselves when things look good on us.
-Because we don’t repeat outfit, usually 3x in a month is enough. We usually buy a new one if we needed it for some occasions, for me I prefer to have it new and I see to it that my friend haven’t seen that clothes I’ve worn repeatedly. 

Monday, February 14, 2011



Why do women say the opposite of what they feel?

In a relationship; misunderstanding, jealousy, fights are unavoidable. No matter how many anniversaries you’ve both shared. Like for an instance, guys tends to forgot our anniversary if were in a relationship. But we genuinely said sorry and promise to make it up to our partner next time. Afterwards, we’ll ask them if everything is fine. Then they’ll answer that their doing fine, even though their faces evidently saying not. Why do they have to keep their true feeling with us, especially if were in a relationship. Saying their all right, when their not sometimes make us(guys) irritated. They can say whatever they want to say to us, no matter how painful it is. As long as they’ll let us know. How can we know our mistake if they’ll just keep it from themselves?

-why do girls complain alot?
-why when we get into an argument the girl is always right?
-why do girls always get their way?
-why is it hard to say no to a girl?

In my opinion if girls want to be treated as equals they shouldn't act as if they can always get what they want and always get their way through arguing with men because we all know that us men have a soft side and that we cannot stay there and watch a girl cry or, whine or make those puppy eyes. a guy can never say no to that.


·       Guys tease girls because they want to hide that they like them. They poke a girl, call her names, and tease her but really, he does it to hide that he has a crush on that girl.
·       It's most likely because, that boy likes you, and instead of telling you, he teases you! 
·       Because they like girls and they want them to giggle and blush. They think its cute. But they might just be the joker and make everyone laugh and giggle. It also depends on the type of boy.
·       Young boys don't know how to flirt so they make fun to show the girl they like them, it usually backfires though.
·       Boys cheat because they may not be happy with the relationship. They may also cheat because they are not happy. Another reason is because the sex might not be good enough and they are looking for something better.
·       Some boys cheat because they're insecure.
·       Boys may cheat because they want to have sex and you’re just not ready...
·       Some men can't take their eyes off their cars. This can be so annoying to women who thinks cars are their rivals, the second woman. Like any relationship, it requires time. Often money and effort are delivered in the absence of demand. However, cars can't guarantee a comfort that relationships have. They are material things that can deteriorate and flies.
·       For some men, it is fulfilling to invest in cars. While getting profit out of it they feel satisfied. Looking at statistics, men have the highest number of visitors in online blogs of cars and asks the most number of inquiries about car sales and car models. And, for some of the male specie they may feel safer and less risky to pour themselves into a relationship with their cars. There is an absence of the risk of being rejected. This can be manifestly seen with their choices in jobs, search sites and friends.


·       It is because they were raised on them. A portion of their childhood were spent in front of a video game.
·       It’s an escape from people. If men had a stressful day, playing video games make them unwind and prevents punching people.
·       Men are almost always competitive on some level. Height, weight, and athletic ability really play no part in video games. In video games is like an equal field that they could battle fairly.
·       It is also their source of income. Some men place bets on whomever team wins.
·       It is their favorite past time.


now that we are living in a modern world, i can say that there is more equality now compared to before. well im not saying everything is equal now with gender issues but
somehow it already is. it actually depends on you, some women do not do this or that its cause they would look like a guy or people might think they are lesbian and vice versa 
with the males. so here are some questions and answer commonly ask by women about males. these are facts which happen to most women in real life. actually i am one of 
them as well. 

Why is that boys always go for the looks and appearance first or go for the "hot" girls ?
well its as simple as like this, Would somebody ugly catch your attention? I don't think so. I bet you would go for a guy who was 'hot' too. Unfortunately, looks do matter to some extent. 
Physical appearance is the first thing people see. It's what pulls you in to that person. I believe everyone here who basically says ''that's just how men are'' are stupid. Guys aren't the only ones that do this. Women do it too. You can't tell me that the first time a girl meets a guy she doesn't judge whether he'd be a potential mate by looks first. 
Looks and physical appearance is the first thing people go to when looking for a potential mate. Fortunately, looks and appearance is just a short term kind of thing. You attract a person by looking good. In the long term, personality and emotionally connection is what counts.
Unfortunately, it's true that a majority of teenage guys want sex because they are completely driven by hormones. However, there are some good guys out there who don't let their genitals lead their brains around. Those are the ones that girls always pass up to get with the jerk. You complain that guys always go for "hot" girls yet guys complain that girls always go for 'jerks'. It's not unusual that a guy would want sex, unless a guy is gay, or is not even remotely attracted to the girl, I would say there is a 90% chance he would take the opportunity to have sex if given it. Even the nice guys would, but a guy who respects you will not leave you if you say 'no'. Just because a guy wants sex does not mean that's all he's ever going to be thinking about in a relationship. It is actually possible for guys to have emotional depth and to think of sex as part of a loving relationship. For guys who are mature and understand that meaningful relationships need to be more than just sexual.

So in short.. PEOPLE (not just Men; Women do it too) go for looks first and then ''other things'' because it is part of human nature to go for things that we find visually appealing and beautiful.

Why do boys cheat?
well did you ever ask yourself that maybe its not his problem but yours? see, i am a female but im not siding with anyone i am just stating facts and looking at the bright side of everything that just maybe there is an actual reason for those actions. There are probably a hundred and one reasons why guys cheat. One common reason boyfriends cheat is because they feel something is missing in their current relationship. well here some reasons as to why boys cheat. 
1. HE ALREADY KNOWS YOU. when i say this, it means his bored with you, and you do the same thing every time. i am not saying you should be different all the time but make it fun and mysterious from time to time. you may be together for quite sometime but admit it sometimes you just want something new right? so think of it that way. 
2. YOURE A NAGGER. dont complain too much. you can complain once in a while but not always and not to be yacking about it every single day. 
3.HE LIKES ANOTHER GIRL. well in this case, ladies its not your fault anymore. maybe he just fallen out of love for you whether you like it or not you cannot do anything about it. 
4. ALL HE WANTS IS SEX AND YOU DONT. well this isnt true all the time but if this happens does not mean you have to give this to him. this just means that the guy is after your body and not you. 
there are actually more reasons but these are just a few. 

in conclusion, you see there is still gender roles in the modern world now, you may not see it but it is still there just not like before. 

Ø  because they want to “win the girl”. (they want a yes)
Ø  its to expensive to spend something big all the time
Ø  its boring to do it again and again
Ø  they put their best forward to impress the girl

Ø  they think that others would think they are weak
Ø  they don’t want to show their soft side
Ø  they are not as emotional as girls
Ø  they don’t really cry for such small issues
Ø  they want to express on their own

            Well this does not apply for every guy.
Ø  they are not into fashion as much as girls are
Ø  they like it plain and simple



1.     Why do boys cheat on their girlfriends & deny it?
·       because they probably want someone new or their girlfriend isn’t giving them what they want.
·       or maybe because they're too scared to say it's over with their girlfriend or they're just selfish and think they are god’s greatest gift to women.

2.     Why do boys like virgins?
·       some guys like virgins because they like the innocence, I guess and so like the thought of being the first.
·       he wants to be able to feel that he is the most important person in her life, and if a girl loses her virginity to said man, there is a stronger connection felt.

3.     Why do boys go with the pretty girls?
·       Boys always go for the pretty girls, they want to look popular with those girls and be considered cool cause they go out with the "cute" girls!
1.     Why are girls so mean to other girls?
·       It's usually out of jealousy.  they're probably just insecure so they feel the need to talk about other girls behind their back to make themselves feel better.

2.     Why do girls think it’s alright to flirt?
·       Just for the attention. It’s their little self-esteem booster.
·       Maybe they think that when they flirt with guys, they will get the chance to capture his heart.

3.     Why do girls fall inlove so quickly?
·       Seriously, I think it's because girls are much more in tune with their emotions and feelings than guys are. Some people call it maturity, but I don't think that's quite it. I think part of it is because by design girls are natural care givers. That type of thing.

4.     Why do girls play hard to get?
·       To see how much the guy likes her (testing his patience & level of interest)
·       because due to social prejudice if a girl doesn’t play at least a little bit “hard to get” then she’s afraid he’ll think she’s easy and therefore the guy won’t take her seriously.

Sunday, February 13, 2011


 Poetry Nights
at GB 4 6pm
February 12, 2011

Free coffee and pastry by Seattle's Best Coffee

Quick snapshot before the event started

First performer - Monique
(performed 2 poems)
Second performer - Psych
(was a rapper and technician in FLIPTOP)

I was not able to finish the event because i got bored at the later part but i was able to watch 11 performers. I left at 8:30pm. I arrived in Greenbelt at 5:40 and went straight to Powerbooks :) Registered and got my free coupons and discounts from Seattle's Best Coffee (which is my favorite part in the event). :> The event did not start on time, it was late for approximately 30 min. But the event was entertaining though. The host of the event Mara made sure that we're not bored and made the audience alive, she's a fun and entertaining host. The performers were great in reading their pieces but some has a low voice which i had a hard time to understand what they said but most of them did great. Some poets who performed were famous like Maegan Aguillar and Peewee Trinidad and some were a student from the top 4 schools of our country. There was a first timer who joined the poetry reading and she nailed it. Love the way she read her poem. 

SWOT analysis for Poetry Nights

  • ·         Served free coffee and pastry for those who watched and registered in the event
  • ·        The host of the event did a great job in making the event entertaining
  • ·         They had good intermission number
  • ·         There were many people who attended the event, enough to occupy the location of the event, not too crowded and not too vacant.
  • ·         There were famous people who performed namely Maegan Aguillar, Raul Roco Jr. and Peewee Trinidad
  • ·         The location is easily accessible

  • ·         The event did not start on time
  • ·         There were not enough seats for those who watched the event
  • ·         Some of the performers had long introductions which somehow bored people
  • ·         Some performers had low voice so we didn’t understand what they read

  • ·         People who likes and/or have talent in poetry are being discovered
  • ·         It helped promote the store through the event
  • ·         People who loves poetry can have ideas and inspirations from the event
  • ·         Good poems are being discovered

  • ·         The event lasted for more than 2 hours and started late. If the event is too long the tendency is people get bored and they intend to leave, as a result the later performers aren't seen and discovered. 

Dela Cruz, Ma. Clarissa                    Philien
10998292                                            HH2