Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Extra Credit #2 Labor of Love

What a Valentines date for me and my friends that day.
After our class we went in the said even Labor of Love, Catt, Clang
and I lives from South. So basically the 3 of us doesn't know how to get there, 
we were able to depend with the GPS but then its not that accurate that it can
read all the roads or places were going. We just tried to contact our friend who lives 
near or shall i say just a walk away from Tomato Bomb bar. So anyway we 
arrived there around 10 pm, we were a bit late i guess because the venue itself 
is not that big, for me i can say its just a typical town house look  alike bar haha.
We weren't able to get inside the bar because it's totally jam pack. But I can say
my friends and I had a great experience going there :) 

By: Kristine M. Pastrana

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