Sunday, February 13, 2011


 Poetry Nights
at GB 4 6pm
February 12, 2011

Free coffee and pastry by Seattle's Best Coffee

Quick snapshot before the event started

First performer - Monique
(performed 2 poems)
Second performer - Psych
(was a rapper and technician in FLIPTOP)

I was not able to finish the event because i got bored at the later part but i was able to watch 11 performers. I left at 8:30pm. I arrived in Greenbelt at 5:40 and went straight to Powerbooks :) Registered and got my free coupons and discounts from Seattle's Best Coffee (which is my favorite part in the event). :> The event did not start on time, it was late for approximately 30 min. But the event was entertaining though. The host of the event Mara made sure that we're not bored and made the audience alive, she's a fun and entertaining host. The performers were great in reading their pieces but some has a low voice which i had a hard time to understand what they said but most of them did great. Some poets who performed were famous like Maegan Aguillar and Peewee Trinidad and some were a student from the top 4 schools of our country. There was a first timer who joined the poetry reading and she nailed it. Love the way she read her poem. 

SWOT analysis for Poetry Nights

  • ·         Served free coffee and pastry for those who watched and registered in the event
  • ·        The host of the event did a great job in making the event entertaining
  • ·         They had good intermission number
  • ·         There were many people who attended the event, enough to occupy the location of the event, not too crowded and not too vacant.
  • ·         There were famous people who performed namely Maegan Aguillar, Raul Roco Jr. and Peewee Trinidad
  • ·         The location is easily accessible

  • ·         The event did not start on time
  • ·         There were not enough seats for those who watched the event
  • ·         Some of the performers had long introductions which somehow bored people
  • ·         Some performers had low voice so we didn’t understand what they read

  • ·         People who likes and/or have talent in poetry are being discovered
  • ·         It helped promote the store through the event
  • ·         People who loves poetry can have ideas and inspirations from the event
  • ·         Good poems are being discovered

  • ·         The event lasted for more than 2 hours and started late. If the event is too long the tendency is people get bored and they intend to leave, as a result the later performers aren't seen and discovered. 

Dela Cruz, Ma. Clarissa                    Philien
10998292                                            HH2

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